Wellcome Trust
6 files

SPA-OPS – Transformative Agreement Toolkit

online resource
posted on 2019-09-11, 20:56 authored by Alicia Wise, Lorraine Estelle

This transformative agreement toolkit was developed as part of the Society Publishers Accelerating Open access and Plan S (SPA-OPS) project.

Transformative agreements repurpose existing institutional spend with publishers to open content. They are promising transition models because libraries and library consortia provide the lion’s share of funding in the current publishing landscape.

Publishers, consortia and institutions can use the resources in this tool kit to collect data to inform commercial offers; to draft their own transformative agreement offers, licences and contracts; and for reporting. The toolkit contains templates that stakeholders can amend and adapt to reflect aspects of their particular agreements and to suit local conditions.

Please refer to the document “Model Transformative Agreement Toolkit – start here” for an overview of the toolkit and its contents.

This work was conducted by Alicia Wise and Lorraine Estelle of Information Power. The SPA-OPS project was commissioned by Wellcome, UKRI, and the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP).


Wellcome Trust, UKRI, ALPSP
